develop Ideal team players.

Patrick Lencioni provides a framework to explore the foundational attitudes of any successful team player.

Ideal Team Player Workforce Development & training, NYC

Struggling with employee engagement?

It can be difficult to identify exact characteristics that allow someone to harm or positively influence team dynamics. 

The Ideal Team Player team training identifies three essential attitudes of a successful team player and how to grow in each area. 

Best for Teams Looking to

Build high performing team players


create personal development plans for growth

“These three seemingly obvious qualities are to teamwork what speed, strength, and coordination are to athletics – they make everything else easier.” 
– Patrick Lencioni

Ideal Team Player at a glance.

Three attitudes make some people better team players than others: humility, hunger, and people smarts.  The power this combination yields drastically accelerates employee professional development and team performance.


Ideal team players lack excessive ego or concerns about status. They know their limits and accept healthy criticism. 


Ideal team players have a drive to improve themselves and their team. They take initiative and are looking for the next step and opportunity.


Ideal team players have common sense about people. They have good judgement about group dynamics and how to treat other people.

Your workshop is packed with value.

5 Dysfunctions of a Team Workforce Development & training, NYC

I'd love to be your guide.

The Ideal Team Player is a great way to intentionally cultivate the key behaviors of a team player. Short and punchy, this workshop gets to the point by helping your team quickly identify where and how to grow.

 As a facilitator, my job is to provide high-energy and interactive training that engages your whole team. Every team workshop mixes world-renowned tools by Patrick Lencioni with interactive learning expertise to stimulate immediate application. (Hey, and we always have fun in the process!) 


Start here.

Schedule a call with Matt. You tell me about your team and I work to understand your priorities and needs.

I’ll recommend a practical strategy or two, suggest a schedule for the team, and we will pick a date to get started.

Unleash the potential on your team!

Watch your employees grow and have fun together. When the morale boosts, it’s pretty incredible what an energized team can do!